Home > Disappointing Realization

Disappointing Realization

March 2nd, 2011 at 04:27 pm

So I came to a disappointing realization last night: DH only has his insurance for 9 months out of the year. Thanks to union, district, and state laws/budgets he is fired every year as of July 1. Every year he is able to get his insurance back by October 1 by substituting. So for 3 months he uses COBRA to get his insurance. So far this is not a problem.

The problem is that I'm not eligible for COBRA because my university offers me insurance. This leaves me relying on the Student Health Center for my medical needs, not good. The service there is mediocre at best.

Now this is all fine and livable in general. I can handle this under normal circumstances, except DH and I want to get pregnant this summer. (Note any child we had could be added to COBRA.) So here are the questions running through my head:

1) Do I get pregnant July - September and rely on Student Health for my first Trimester?
2) If DH is rehired before July 1 this year and doesn't lose insurance (yay!), do I count on this happening the year after?
3) Do I stop trying in October expecting DH will not have insurance next summer? Do I have the will power to do this?
4) Can DH get another job so that he doesn't have to worry about this as much? Should he?

California, you have 2 choices: either raise taxes so my husband can keep his job or find him a new job. I know this is a bit defeatist, but it's the only solution I can think of right now.

4 Responses to “Disappointing Realization”

  1. momcents Says:

    I would double-check to see if pregnancy is considered a pre-existing condition under your DH's insurance. If you have insurance and do conceive, your husband's company might not want to cover it because you were insured at the time under a different coverage umbrella.

  2. snshijuptr Says:

    Federal law prohibits group plans from considering pregnancy a preexisting condition. There is no waiting period for my husbands insurance when he is rehired.

    I guess I should have specified that he is a teacher so this is a school district, not a company plan we are talking about.

  3. MonkeyMama Says:

    You have another option - buy some private insurance.

    Even in private industry I have never been offered decent insurance plan through an employer. We have always had private insurance.

    You can time a pregnancy, but you can't time other catastrophic medical bills (car accidents?, etc.). I would seriously consider private insurance coverage.

  4. snshijuptr Says:

    Our insurance coverage is top notch and well worth paying for using COBRA over Summers. We are talking $10 for surgery. The only problem really is that I'm covered by my own insurance.

    Now here is a question. when I waive my graduate health insurance, I cannot get it back until the start of the next quarter. When I've waived the insurance, do I count as "eligible"?

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