Home > Dropped Phone Insurance

Dropped Phone Insurance

April 7th, 2011 at 03:56 pm

So DH was adamant when we got our phone plan that he wanted Phone Insurance. His family had bought the Motorola Razr when it had all those problems and were very grateful for their insurance. A couple days ago I got pummeled with Verizon Wireless marketing (1 text, 1 call, and 1 email) letting me know that I'm eligible for an upgrade. I realized today that we still had our phone insurance, and how completely silly that was. So I opted out of the insurance and we should be saving $7-$14 (b/c I forget if his phone had the coverage) every month. Woot!

2 Responses to “Dropped Phone Insurance”

  1. Amber Says:

    I haven't had insurance in years. Every phone that I have had I have out right bought placed my SIM card in and that was it. Insurance cost about $15 plus the $50 deductible and my new phone purchased from EBay $100 a lot less expensive. It lasted for about 2, the same amount of time if I had upgraded and purchased a new phone.

  2. Jerry Says:

    I agree... I can't imagine phone insurance unless my phone was something incredibly expensive (which it isn't) that would lead to a major problem if it broke or was stolen. I am just not interested in tying up that much money in a phone at this point!

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