Home > Easter Hand-Me-Downs

Easter Hand-Me-Downs

April 25th, 2011 at 03:40 pm

Yesterday my aunt showed up to Easter with 5 trash bags full of clothes. She was cleaning out her Winter wardrobe and brought clothes for us to pick through. My aunt may be a shopaholic, but I definitely benefit. I came home with a bunch of new shirts. Additionally, my mom also cleaned out her closet and I got a few things from there. I also had a great run at the thrift store last week. My closet is getting stuffed and I all ready cleaned out the 2 tops I don't wear anymore. Good thing the weather is warming up so I can finish switching out my wardrobe for summer. I really want to get rid of all the pants and shirts that don't really fit me anymore, but since we're planning to have a baby, I don't know what my weight will be doing.

2 Responses to “Easter Hand-Me-Downs”

  1. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    I have one friend who dresses quite conservatively (Uh, she used to have to wear a burkha in public) and when people give her a sweater, or jacket that are too colorful for her taste, sometimes she passes it on to me. ....Then the mom of the girls I tutor gave me a cool embroidered dishdashe from Iraq and one from Syria. My wardrobe has taken some unusual turns.

  2. Jerry Says:

    My wife and daughters are making out very well on second hand clothing lately, but their success leads to no such luck for me. We live overseas, and most of the men here tend to dress horribly... so most places carry next to nothing for men. Either it is complete junk, or it is Ermengildo Zegna suits for thousands of Euros, and neither works for me! I will need to take a trip home to the States in order to have any insurance of decent apparel for my interviews once graduation comes... oh well!

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