Home > Joined Credit Karma, New CD

Joined Credit Karma, New CD

September 14th, 2011 at 06:06 pm

So I joined Credit Karma today. I really want to keep an eye on our credit score, and though I know Credit Karma isn't a FICO, I'm glad to have someone grading me.

I also started our new Home Down Payment CD. Got 1.25% on an 18 month CD. Not bad, but not great. I'm hoping these early experiences with crappy APYs will bias me to not take for granted a little extra money.

So a couple months ago I added a neat little guage to our Plan of Attack spreadsheet. I have one cell that calculates the percent we are through our working lives from when I graduated college until our potential retirement date. I have another that calculates how much we have saved in comparison to our savings goals. From these two I have created a Lump Over/Under cell that tells me how much money we have now over what we should be based on our percent working life. I also have another that calculates when this Lump Over/Under will run out.

Currently our surplus will last another 7 months. Once I add in our unallocated money, it will be closer to 24 months. Now this does not mean that we will make all of our goals on time (such as paying off DH's student loans in entirety in 9 months), but it is a hopeful sign.

3 Responses to “Joined Credit Karma, New CD”

  1. LuckyRobin Says:

    Where are you getting a CD at 1.25%? What are the qualifications for it? I'm lucky if I can .5%. My ING savings is at 1%, but I can't even find CD's that pay that much.

  2. snshijuptr Says:

    18 month CD's easily go that high. Check out to search for CD's.

    Sorry I don't like to publish where exactly I have my money.

  3. LuckyRobin Says:

    That's perfectly understandable. I'm sure I can figure out where to look from the link.

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