Home > Financial Aid

Financial Aid

March 3rd, 2010 at 06:29 pm

As a current graduate student married to a Masters applicant, much of my financial situation right now depends on our financial aid. I'm getting a bit antsy to hear from especially H's financial aid. Are we going to be facing $6000 in loans? Will he get any grants? As a teacher, will he be eligible for loan forgiveness? How does the loan forgiveness program work? I know that we could always take money out of the down payment fund to pay for his education, but I hate to do this. Any increases he gets in pay are going straight into retirement so that money won't help any.

I'm just going to keep hoping they don't close down summer school this year, and he get a summer teaching position. The extra money will help cover his education expenses.

1 Responses to “Financial Aid”

  1. Jerry Says:

    I am currently studying overseas and my school has had very few Americans in the past, so that leads to no financial aid being available! I never realized what a nice little insurance policy that is until it wasn't available to me. Even loans, as a last resort, are a path to the goal. Good luck, and I hope that summer school gig works out!

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